What is another word for repeating sometyhing
What is another word for repeating sometyhing

what is another word for repeating sometyhing

(verb) to talk idly, irrationally, excessively, or foolishly chatter or prattle.“Oh my gosh, it’s so awesome, and I got it at FAO Schwartz last year, and I wish you could share it with me.” Phil babbled. (verb) to declare definitely or specifically.“We won the basketball game tonight because our team made no mistakes,” stated the coach.

what is another word for repeating sometyhing

(verb) to say something in return: make an answer.“The capital of Illinois is Springfield,” reponded Jenny after the teacher called upon her to answer the question. (verb) to respond in words or writing.“Of course I’ll go to the movies with you,” Anne replied. (verb) to note to perceive to observe.“Tom doesn’t look like he’s feeling well today,” Sue remarked. (verb) to restore to assurance or confidence.“It’ll be okay,” she reassured, as she wiped a tear from my eye.” (submitted by Reagan H.) (verb) to say something while another person is speaking.“That’s a lie!” Wayne interjected. What I was saying was that I would take the trash out right after I finished my homework,” Claude explained, as his mother looked at him with a stern expression on her face. (verb) to make plain or clear render understandable or intelligible.“No, no, no, you don’t understand. NASA landing on the moon is not a hoax!” Jason disputed as the class watched the historical footage. (verb) to argue against call in question.“No, no, no, I disagree with you. (verb) to differ in opinion dissent.“There is no scientific evidence that supports global warming and you know it!” disagreed Kyle as he shook his head at the ignorance of his friend. (verb) to prevent something from being directed at you.“Well, at least I don’t have a huge forehead!” Elizabeth deflected. (verb) to give counel or advice“Since your grades are high enough, you should consider applying to Harvard or Yale,” counseled Jerry’s teacher. (verb) to set or make true, accurate, or right remove the errors or faults.“What do you mean, I never take out the trash? I do it every week.” Phylis’ husband corrected. (verb) to accord in opinion agree.“Shall we dine?” Alice asked. Lincoln was a better president than Grant,” conceded Stephen as he held his palms up in mock surrender. (verb) to acknowledge as true, just, or proper admit.“All right, all right, you win. (verb) to express an opinion or reaction.“There are a lot more animals here than yesterday,” Robert commented.

What is another word for repeating sometyhing free#

(verb) to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear or intelligible to free from ambiguity.“So, we just read up until chapter eight?” Vonnie clarified with the teacher, just to be sure. (transitive verb) to give clear and effective utterance to : to put into words.“Please! Do not bring your textbook tomorrow!” Miss Lim articulated. (verb) to speak or write in response to reply to.“When will I be home? I’ll be home in an hour,” answered Jamie. (transitive verb) to say further.“Even if it’s not true,“ Evan added, “We’re only speculating.”

what is another word for repeating sometyhing

(verb) to show or express recognition or realization of.“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard you,” Jason acknowledged. The words below are classified by category

What is another word for repeating sometyhing